Membership Eligibility
- Any person of Chinese extraction, bearing the surname “LEE” (李), either by birth, marriage or legal adoption, who is at least nineteen (19) years old, and is the father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, son or daughter of a member in good standing with the Society, may apply for membership to the Society.
- Any person so entitled, may apply for membership in the Society by completing, signing and delivering to the Chairman of the Membership Committee, a membership application in the form prescribed by the Directors from time to time.
- Each membership application must be endorsed by at least three (3) members in good standing.
- Upon receipt of an application for membership, the Membership Committee shall, if necessary, interview the applicant then prepare a written report and recommendation for consideration by the board of directors.
- Upon acceptance of an application by majority of the Board of Directors, and upon the applicant paying the prescribed membership fee, then applicant shall become a member.
- The directors shall not be required to disclose the reason for rejecting a membership application.
- Every member shall uphold the Constitution and comply with the By-Laws of the Society.
- Lifetime Membership costs are $40.00 (Lee’s of Vancouver) and $20.00 (Lee’s of Canada)